What's New For Tax Year 2009?
Tax law changes that affect most taxpayers:
- Home renovation expenses
For 2009 only, you can claim an amount for eligible expenses incurred for work performed or goods acquired after January 27, 2009,
and before February 1, 2010.
- Home buyers' amount
You can claim an amount of $5,000 if you purchased a qualifying home after January 27, 2009 (closing after this date).
Highlights presented by CRA
Major Software changes
Tax Chopper has implemented all changes in tax law. Other changes include:
- Easy transfer of dividends
You no longer need to fabricate a T5 slip to do the transfer, you only need to specify the amount you want to give to your spouse.
- Serving more Canadians
Now you can use TaxChopper to prepare returns for deceased taxpayers and emigrants, as well as new immigrants.
- T4RSP and T4RIF calculation
When you withdraw money from a spousal RRSP/RRIF, you might need to use form T2205 to calculate how much you can report on your return. Previously you had
to manually enter the remaining part under your spouse's name. From now on, if you are preparing two returns, the remaining part will be added
to your spouse's income automatically by the software when eligible.
Find out, Tax Chopper is your best choice!